Thanks Serge. Chills. The smells, the sights, the sounds. Having been to so many of your shows, it's very cool to hear what the lead up to them was like for you. I can hear the first crack of the snare after the Rocky theme, after a few moments of tuning, after watching you and Dave interacting, knowing the next couple hours were going to be my best hours of the week (sometimes month, sometimes year). Keep writing brother! Keep sharing your gift!

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Autumn. Used to dread when I was a kid because, yanno, school. But I’ve grown to really dig it. Nesting time. Warm glow from strange windows. Orange and umber and yellow and that rich dark brown. Halloween. Universal monsters and the Great Pumpkin with those simple watercolor backgrounds that are the autumniest things I can imagine. Being in a band. Climbing that stage. Slinging that geetar. Just like all your heroes past and present. Best 45 minutes of your life. Hope springs eternal when you’re a twentysomething rocker on a small dingy club stage. Jimmy Miller’s here tonight! Jimmy-fucking-Exile-On-Main-St-Miller! In a shitty ex-strip club in Boston, so… but still…!

What a fucking week. Feels like the world is burning. Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. Things I don’t really understand beyond their disregard for humanity; for life. So much hatred. Hug your kids, hold your love tight.

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