May 19, 2023Liked by Serge Bielanko

No surprise here, I love this space, the words, the photos. All of it. I value your honestly. Your willingness to bare (and yes, I almost wrote bear...) your soul. It's raw, this writing, and that's what makes it feel real. It's why your words resonate with me.

I think you can guess what I'd love to read more of. But I think that's a part of your soul you aren't prepared to share right now. And maybe that's better. For you. For me. That it remain a mystery. Someday though I wanna hear it all. I'll bring the wine.

In this world, where it's so easy to feel disconnected, your words break down that barrier. They give me something to look forward to, like the prize buried in the cereal box (why doesn't adult/low card cereal come with prizes? we all need prizes).

In much the same way your writing has helped you through hurtful experiences, it's helped me process the same in my world. Great writing does that.

Random aside--I'd totally rep TPie merch...

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This means so much to me, Anna. Across decades now, your friendship has remained a huge source of beauty in my life. I can only hope I return it to you in some way. Much love to you always.

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All the feels, my friend.

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I too would rep the merch

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When I can find my reading glasses it’s a pleasure to read Thunder Pie. There are months that I am so busy that I don’t take the time to check in, and then i start to think I’m wasting 10 bucks but then that’s my fault. You always write far more than I can process and sit still reading, so it’s a good long couple of reads for me, and interesting since my own life is somewhere between boring ( my fault) and peacefully blessed. While we have never met, the person you represent here seems quite transparent, interesting and well meaning. I like the fact that you love your wife and kids. That’s so important to me as a reader. So sick of hearing about people sneaking around and getting so tangled up in the vices that they lose the heart and soul intimacy of their relationships. You guys seem to make time for each other and the kids. You’re honest with your ups and downs. It’s important to see how that’s just normal and part or dealing with being vulnerable. Being real. I like the balance you and Arle seem to have.. the comfort of knowing you’re all in and nobody’s leaving anyone. That somehow you guys will remain, whatever weather blows in. That’s a comfort to read about. You may not even realize that it matters to readers. Maybe that’s weird. It’s stability even when things don’t feel that way. I like the voice, the nature, the analogies and poetry. The kid stories. Reflactions and insights. Not much one for dead birds or stumbling upon skull heads but I accept that there is also a comport in history and old rusty finds. Goes nice with Arles talent with photography. I thing y’all are blessed to patch together a beautiful tapestry with your families. Guess I will stick around. Read up when i find my glasses. Thanks. - G

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Thank you so much for your honest and beautiful insight here, Gina. It reveals so much to me as the writer/proprietor if this shop. Being taken behind someone's curtain and given a glimpse of what they truly feel about my words/ my emails/ blah blah blah...it is so RARE for me to have that. And so I am seriously grateful for you taking the time here to give me a bit.

Have a really good holiday weekend. :)

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May 21, 2023Liked by Serge Bielanko

The authenticity, the rawness, the realness. You exhibit more bravery than most people I know. If even a small sliver of humanity had as much self reflection as you did, I think we'd be doing ok.

You remind me each week to take time and reflect and maybe write, but you're a hell of a lot more consistent than I've ever been.

You know what I'd love to see? A conversation essay with you and Arle or you and the kids. Like a back and forth, or pastiche.

Also, how about a recommendation essay. Like, here's this book/movie/album you're loving and why we should give it a shot.

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Thank you, Kate! I am so grateful for you being here. And for taking the time to reflect upon my work and all. I really like your idea about the back/forth with Arle or the kids. I am going to think long and hard about how I could somehow pull that off. It's intriguing AF!!

And I'm going to work on some essays or other ideas where I try to introduce readers to something cultural that I've been loving lately. Several others have mentioned this concept, same as you, and so I think it has to happen.

Thanks again for reading and for commenting and for everything, really.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Serge Bielanko

I can't remember how I came across Thunder Pie, Serge, but I can tell you that every piece I've read has been deeply resonant and caused me to sink into that place from which art is made (you know what I mean). I adore your writing and find it totally aspirational. And yes, believable and respectable and relatable and devoid of bullshit, too. You've probably bullshat here and there, but I can't say I've noticed. Furthermore- give yourself a break, you're only human. We sometimes learn that we're bullshitting ourselves by hearing ourselves lie to others. Whoops. All for the learning. Write on, man, and thank you for what you do.

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Thank you vey much, Kira! I'm super grateful that you took the time to write to me here.

"...caused me to sink into that place from which art is made." That is the highest praise I could ever dare to dream of getting. No bullshit. ;)

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May 19, 2023Liked by Serge Bielanko

When anyone asks me how I'm doing, I always say, "I'm doing all right so far." Which is true. So, you want to know how you're doing? Near as I can tell, you're doing all right so far.

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If I'm doing alright so far in your eyes, I will take it, Bill. Happily. Thank you, my man. Your presence and your influence mean so much to me.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Serge Bielanko


I had one of those ouija board Marah t-shirts years ago

Wore it till it was more hole than shirt

Loving the essays and will check the latest tonight

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May 19, 2023Liked by Serge Bielanko

I'm a fan. Just keep writing what's important to you. I like to read honesty. That's how you write. I would like reviews on books, movies, and music that your listening too. Every try a short story? Shit, I'd read it.

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Appreciate you, man. I know you've been around since the very beginning and that makes me really proud. I am definitely into the idea of writing a bit about books/movies/music/etc, but I guess I'm always concerned about how to go about it. Others have stated they'd be interested though, so I'm taking that all to heart; I'll see if I can make it happen somehow.

Fiction is something I love, but I suspect I'm scared of staring up at that massive mountain from the very bottom. I feel like a peon there/ because I am.

Thanks so much for writing to me here.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Serge Bielanko

Hey Serge. Essays are great as always and the Wednesday surprise was nice....I actually have about 20 of them that I really need to sit down an knock out so you may have already covered it, but the essays that captured my mind the most were the Private Deviney ones. Did you write the third edition of this yet? Your writing of history in general is always great so if you ever need a topic anything history related works. The characters of Milheim may also be a good one...all small towns have them.

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Neil, I am thrilled to read what you're saying! Thanks so much. Writing the Deviney stuff is probably the most fun I have had writing about someone other than myself. But I think I take his tale so seriously that I keep feeling afraid that I can't possibly do him justice. But I am gonna dive back in now because of YOUR comment. So I am high-fiving you through the computer, dude. Devinney's story, the parts I've yet to get to, are truly fucking insane. Like, he was a true American badass. Just wait/ you'll see.

Thanks for taking the time, man. I'm so glad that the history stuff moves you. I will write more.

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Hi Serge- can you please check if I am a paying member of Thunder Pie? I thought I was, and I saw it on my statement but perhaps it’s my other entail address. I haft two- gcm4610@gmail and gcm121361@gmail.com. Thank you. The latter is current but I believe the substack account is on the former. Thanks.

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